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Frequently Asked Questions
My honey crystallized. Has it gone bad?Not at all. Honey crystallizes naturally when kept in cooler room temperatures. To return it to its golden liquid state, simply heat a pot of water to a boil, remove from heat, and set the jar in the water until cool. Do not boil the honey!
What type of honey do you sell?My bees mostly forage clover, tulip poplar, sourwood, momosa tree blooms, corn tassle, and native wildflowers. Because bees can forage up to 5 miles away from their hive, and I cannot control where they forage, I am obligated to call my honey "wildflower" as it is not a monofloral forage.
Where are you located?In the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains, the town of Maryville, Tennessee.
What is a Woodbooger?"Woodbooger" is an Appalachian term for Sasquatch or Bigfoot, the mascot of our apiary.
Is your honey Organic?I am proud to say that my honey is pure, raw, and chemical free. Due to the foraging habits of honeybees, it is not legal for honey producers in the USA to claim that their honey is organic because you cannot control what the bees forage on. If you see honey with an "USDA Organic" certification, it is an imported product.
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